2025 Birthstone Angel Pips, Pods, & Stars
Birthstone Angel/Fairy Pip, Pod and Star Monthly Pattern series
All three charts/word charts are included!
These delightful designs will feature Birthstone color fringe/gowns and month appropriate accents such as a heart for February, etc.. You choose which version to stitch. Pips and Pods make quick and easy gifts and who doesn’t love a star? Want to stitch fairies? Replace the halo gold with black or “hair” beads or make the halo into a flower garland and stitch the wings in pretty pastel colors.
Order patterns from me then visit my friend Lucy for kits for this series - see them here:
Sorry!! January POD correction: Round #15 second row should read
[2B] B, A, G, J, B, A, D. E, C, B, C, D, A (there's an extra "A,D" in the middle. of the line)
Thanks Kim!